Jun 23, 2010

New Blog!

Okay, so I've been using wordpress for my running blog and I LOVE it. So I ported all my stuff from this blog over there. I hope you won't mind updating your subscriptions or favorites or however it is that you click to get here. As a reward, there is an eleven month post up over on my new blog with pictures of my sweet one's adorableness!

Just go here! This will be my last post on this blog!


Jun 21, 2010

Like/Don't Like Edition One!

I'm putting off writing C's 11 month update till we have pictures, so I'm doing a fun little post that was on my mind this morning!

Like: All the Laundry basket's being empty (I think this has happened once since C was born. Maybe once since we've been married.)

Don't like: Realizing at 1030pm that B has no clean pants for work.

Like(new like!): Baking cakes.

Dislike: the 9000 things needing to be washed after baking.

Like: running

Dislike: injuries

Like: Mornings (I'm a morning person!)

Dislike: Mornings that start before 6! (C needs more curtains in her room, apparently)

Like: Twitter, Facebook, Blogging and Reading Blogs
Dislike: wasting so much time!

Like: Currently Reading: Sally Clarkson's "Mission of Motherhood"
Dislike: Not having time to read!

Like: shopping on etsy! REALLY wanting this for C's birthday... or this...
Dislike: Budgets and Math!

Like: Writing this!
Dislike: Having to stop to go do laundry!

Feel free to link back to your own blog of Likes/ and Don't Likes! :)

Jun 5, 2010

10.5 Month Update!

Well, yesterday was an exciting day! After a few days of thumb sucking (new) and extra clingy-ness, mama finally saw another tooth popping through! Yay. So that makes 5. and I think number 6 (and more!) are on their way. Looks like her 1 year molars might be starting up as well. Might be a loooong couple of months!

For awhile now, I've been wondering if C really knew the baby sign for "more". Yesterday a friend confirmed it- she also thought she was signing it! The sign is similar to clapping, so i had been thinking she was sort of clapping for herself. But, she just watched Baby Signing Time again(i let her watch it during those clingy teething days!!) and then the next day she was doing it! I realized that she only does this type of clapping or whatever when she is eating, so it is definitely a sign! yay! I'll try to capture it on video.

She's also putting more and more effort into talking! It's so cute. Sometimes she imitates us really well.Me: "C, say, 'book!'"
C: "Boo!!"

Other times, it goes more like this.
Me: "C, say, 'Ball'!"
C: "djo!"

(which reminds me of the Friends Episode, "The One Where Joey Speaks French" )
She also does this little gremlin type voice when she's excited. It's super cute, but also kind of weird. :)
Finally, she's also started cruising a bit. Mostly, it's only a step or two. But, she is definitely much less timid at her play table lately! And she climbs on more objects than me and B. Yesterday, she pulled up on her baby gate (AKA my sanity saver!)

Is she not the cutest thing EVER? I know, I know, she is. :)