Mostly I know everyone checks in here to see how cute C is getting. However, since I did post about our new weight loss regime, I will go ahead and do a 6 week update! Since January 7th, I've lost 11 pounds (as of Feb 20)! My hope to be back to pre-pregnancy weight by the time she is 9 months old is definitely becoming a realistic reality! While that is still pretty far above my ultimate goal weight, I'm still pretty excited about it.
I'm a pretty big snacker, so my big challenge is finding things I want to nibble on that aren't too bad for me, or limiting the really bad (good!) stuff to it's ACTUAL portion size. It's really working for me to count out how many pretzels or wheat thins I'm going to eat, rather than mindlessly reaching into the box.
I'm also getting "into" running again. For me, once i am at the point I'm at now (actually able to run) it's pretty enjoyable. I'm considering signing up for a 9K in May, but I need to raise a 1000$ to do it. (Proceeds go to local veterans and victims of traumatic brain injury. Let me know if you'd be willing to sponsor me- I'm still about 500 away from being able to sign up!). If I can't do this particular 9K, I'm pretty sure I will sign up for something, just so that I have something to shoot for.
Hopefully C stops waking up during her naps soon so I can get a longer run in! (I find it hard to focus when she's babbling on the monitor!)
1 month ago