Jun 21, 2010

Like/Don't Like Edition One!

I'm putting off writing C's 11 month update till we have pictures, so I'm doing a fun little post that was on my mind this morning!

Like: All the Laundry basket's being empty (I think this has happened once since C was born. Maybe once since we've been married.)

Don't like: Realizing at 1030pm that B has no clean pants for work.

Like(new like!): Baking cakes.

Dislike: the 9000 things needing to be washed after baking.

Like: running

Dislike: injuries

Like: Mornings (I'm a morning person!)

Dislike: Mornings that start before 6! (C needs more curtains in her room, apparently)

Like: Twitter, Facebook, Blogging and Reading Blogs
Dislike: wasting so much time!

Like: Currently Reading: Sally Clarkson's "Mission of Motherhood"
Dislike: Not having time to read!

Like: shopping on etsy! REALLY wanting this for C's birthday... or this...
Dislike: Budgets and Math!

Like: Writing this!
Dislike: Having to stop to go do laundry!

Feel free to link back to your own blog of Likes/ and Don't Likes! :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, this cracked me up :) today? Like: It's my birthday!! (thanks for the well wishes!) Dislike: Shaun is out til 7 tonight.

    Ah well... I should make my own list!
